Abstract Expressionism | Fine Art

Art is unquestionably one of the purest and highest elements in human happiness. It trains the mind through the eye, and the eye through the mind. As the sun colours flowers, so does art colour life. —John Lubbock

Enter the Gallery:

See it. Feel it. Dive into it.
Take a moment to explore each work and discover what is beyond the perfect blend of shapes and colors.

The Twist Series

The story of Bob Lombardi’s Twist Series began on a cross-country flight to New York. A flight attendant passed out bags of cookies that were closed with a black wire tie and as Bob opened the bag, he realized just how interesting the tie was—twisting and turning into unusual shapes. He began to sketch with that inspiration and today, there are eighteen paintings in the Twist Series, including five Girly Twists, each adding their own unique piece to the Twist story.

This Month’s Featured Painting

Attitude by Robert Bob Lombardi  Painter The Lombardi Gallery Oils Pastels Oil Painting Pastel Painting San Antonio Boerne Texas Hill Country


“This is an abstract painting with a human touch. There’s an attitude presented here, with its shapes, colors, and design: A feeling of unresolved discord between a man and a woman.”

Featured at the 2021 Master Artwork Show with rave reviews, “Attitude” is now available at ArtAsEmotion.com.


What People Are Saying

There’s color…then there’s Lombardi color.

“Painting is my tribute to the power of color and its ability to move people. Together color and movement can touch our hearts, speak to our souls, and expand our world. For me, as an artist, color is everything. It is my first thought, the first decision. Everything follows from there. I put a color on the canvas, step back, and let myself be moved.”

— Bob Lombardi, The Love of Color

Artist and Painter  Robert Bob Lombardi The Love of Color Abstract Art Modern Contemporary Expressionism Impressionism San Antonio Texas Hill Country.jpg